Video Podcast for EFL students
This video podcast will be for my first students when I start doing classes. The grade of the students will be 5th. In Chile, this is the first grade that students have English classes. There are 30 students in the classroom; their first language is Spanish. I still do not know their interests because this will be my second class with them. First of all, they need to be introduce with the language, so the content is very easy for them.
The idea for this first chapter of the series of podcast is to introduce my students with a little bit of English. Nowadays in Chile many English words are used, for that reason I think that could be interesting for them to take into account that they already know some words, they are not an empty box. I think that the students could feel a little more motivated knowing that they have some knowledge.
The language objectives for these series are to listen to some basic words in English, to write little paragraph that contains some word in the foreing language, and also to be able to produce some of these words. The language objectives for this chapter are: the students have to listen carefully the information that is given in the podcast, and also, they have to write a dialogue in pairs that uses similar words as the words that were given.
About the content objectives, these series of podcast will give the students their first words in English, so they will be able to identify and differentiate our own words with words that we have copied from other parts of the world. For this chapter, as I wrote before, the students will distinguish the words that we use in our daily life.
I know that the children will be able to understand all the things in the video podcast because it is more visual, and all the explanations are showed by pictures. Also, the topic is easy to understand, and the example that is showed is in Spanish using the words in English that the students have to notice.
The objective, as I wrote before, is that the students can feel more comfortable in classes; I think is a little bit difficult for them to start an English class without knowing anything about it. If I can introduce my classes like this, I am sure that they would feel able to speak something in English, specially because many words that we use are related to technology, and children are very interested in this kind of topic, they love playing computer games or playstation.
The strategies in this video are, to use not only English, but also their own language, connect some words with pictures, consider some words that can be interesting for them, like technology.
I hope you enjoy it!
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