What do you see? (strategies)
Text Tour:
The strategy that the teacher uses is called "thinking-out-loud model", this means not a dialogue, the teacher expresses her/his own ideas loud, so the students start to participate in the conversation without the feeling of being under preasure. The idea is that the teacher has to encourage their students to be interested in the topic that is in the text by pointing out the things that catch the attention of the students, like pictures, big letters, and titles.
Teacher Stories:
This is another way to involve students in classes, this is a great way of teaching because children prefer a dynamic class instead of a regular class. In this model, the teacher creates the situation and uses the resources that she can find in the classroom. This teacher acts and represents the stories by using real objects and making sounds that are suitable in each story.
Wall-to-Wall Grins:
The teacher, while the students are working in pairs, circulates to answer some questions and doubts that the students can have. The idea is that the teacher can explain it, but this teacher is really special because she demonstrates all the things with realia or intends to do similar things, so that the students can understand in an easily way.
What do you think is the most effective?
I really like those strategies because this teacher presents three different ways of catch the students attention. Personally, I prefer the second one, I think that this could be more effective, children are tired of see teachers doing the same things every day, they need a change, they need to see something different every day. The idea of the second strategy is to show the story by acting and using the resources of the classroom, and also the teacher has to involve the students, so that, they can participate without feeling that they must do it, they feel free to talk, they want to express their own ideas.
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