jueves, 25 de septiembre de 2008

Visit to Bridgeport and Brewster

On Tuesday we went to two different places, Bridgeport and Brewster in these places we visited two schools, and we could know the reality of mexican people who come to US to improve their lifes, for that reason, in the schools there were 81% of children who talk in spanish. The first school, Bridgeport has a good level of education, one important thing is that in each class there are few students, so classes can be personalized, teachers can be closer than in Chile, they can take care of them, in Chile the reality of public schools is very different because in each class there are 45 students and is very difficult give classes to this amount of children. Another important thing is that classrooms are for each subject, so the teachers can put on it things related to the subjects, like posters, messages, etc. In the second school I would like to point out something that is really important for me, that is the work with the family, they are interesting in what is happening in the children's homes, and they also give classes to the parents, this is a big issue because is in the home where the children develop their personalities, and if the parents know how to teach them and know what their children are doing they can help them and create a good envirinment in their homes in order children can learn better. I think the work that both schools are doing is excelent, teachers I think that are very close to the children and children feel comfortable, definitely this is one of the most important thing.

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