viernes, 29 de agosto de 2008

Broadcast Radio

An entertaining activity to do with students

A good activity to do with student to improve their speaking skill is create a radio program with topics that they can choose , it allows to make classes more entertaining.

Labor Day

Labor Day, holiday celebrated in the United States and Canada on the first Monday in September to honor the laborer.In most other countries–and among the leftists in the United States and Canada–May Day (May 1) is celebrated instead.

W Why is Labor Day celebrated on September 1st in the US?

2- Main characteristics of this day (at least 4)

3- When did this celebration start?

jueves, 28 de agosto de 2008

Language Learning & Technology

Michael Rost

Listening activities are difficult to do in classes. There are different kinds of children and is a big challenge to know which activities are the best for everyone.
Three different studies are exposed on this article and they are related to ways of acquire the skill of listen.
The first one is ”Help options and multimedia listening” written by Grgurovic and Hegelheimer, which provide a study of input, task and feedback modifications. These authors promote language acquisition through the input interaction hypothesis, that is if interaction, specifically repair-motivated interaction promotes comprehension and if comprehension promotes acquisition, the integration promotes acquisition
The second article is called "Are They Watching?” Wagner provides a study of listener behavior in video-based test taking situations. The author provides a valuable survey of recent studies on the use of video to teach listening. Wagner leads up to the now axiomatic claim that multimedia experiences provide learners with richer, more authentic and more memorable encounters with the target language.
In the third article of this volume, "Using Digital Stories to Improve Listening Comprehension with Spanish Young Leaners of English",
Ramirez and Alonso provide a contextualized study of young Spanish learners and a relatively innovative methodology. The study involves the use of a "project-based website" that offers graded content lessons in the form of games, songs, and stories.
The author believes that the best way to help student to listen is provide comprhensible input, one of the Krashen's hypothesis, but not only this is needed to improve listening, the input has to be relevant, motivating and teachers have to plan interventions that can make the input comprhensible. Teachers have to do some interventions to catch the motivation of the students by advancing the listener's goals for listening.

To me, develop the skill of listening is too difficult, and is our responsability as a teachers to know how to develop it in students, according to the studies that I have read, the comprehensible input hypothesis is one of the best way to catch the attention of children, we have to add new knowledge step by step because student can acquire language in an easy way.
As the author says in the article, not only is necessary to use comprhensible input, we have to be able to create motivating input and also is important to do interventions as the author proposes. Technology is one of the best resource to motivate students and to do listening activities, because there are so many pages that permit you to interact with the computer and teachers have to provide of this intervention by working conciously in this important item.

Improving teaching in Chile

This picture represents how I want to improve classes in my country, here we are learning new things that can help us to motivate students and to create classes more interesting to catch the attention of children.

I think classes have been very useful to know sites on internet and also how to use them.

The four months that I'm going to spend in US would be the best for me in acquiring new knowledge to do the best in my classes

miércoles, 27 de agosto de 2008

A website to teach children

The page that I found is for children from 4 to 10 years. The page has a forum where you can interact whit other people, so that the interaction is with authentic audience. The website has many activities and games, but if you want to have access to all of them you have to create an account.
The activities are related to different topics with the contents that you need to teach.
This is a German page, so you are exposed to two different languages and in the forum there are people of other countries, so that you can interact with them.
Feedback is provided in the forum and also the grammar exercises give the correct answers if you are wrong.
This page can motivate students because it has many different activities that student can do, also has games and links of other pages to play inmediately.
Students can learn alone on this website, they are the center because activities and games are created for them.
The page integrate three skills, listening, writing and reading, the drawback is that speaking can not be practiced on this website.
The page uses different ways of giving knowledge, through draws, games, stories, poems, etc, so the concept of multimodality is applied.
The objective of the page is really clear because the activities are located according to different themes and you can choose the one that you want.
Personally, I really like this page, we as a teacher can use it to make our classes more interesting and entertaining.

A new experience

Finally, I'm here, one of my dream has been reached. Now, I can say that my course of study is going to be complete because my first motivation of staying here is to improve the L2, I really want to arrive to Chile with new knowledge and finish my course of study to give those knowledge to children that really need. Personally, I would like to know ways of teaching, specially using technologies to motivate students. I'm sure that I'm in the right place.